Hexagon How-Tos

How to wear the Earth Hexagon Satchel:



Dress it up with a flowy, candy-colored frock...

Ruffles and long sleeves feel fresh for fall, while the neutral hues of the Earth Hexagon Satchel help tone down the bright, vivid colors.



Dress it down with jeans or sneakers...

A casual outfit can still feel chic when worn with the right handbag. Try going monochromatic with an all-white sweatshirt, skirt and sneakers, or pairing a blazer with your favorite jeans for a classic, yet updated look. The structured shape of the Earth Hexagon Satchel adds the perfect balance to the laid-back vibe.



Or pair it with a bold print for a style all your own...

Mix patterns and prints for a statement-making look that shows off your personal style. The Earth Hexagon Satchel will add the finishing touch for a look as unique as you.